
作者: 来源: 发布日期:2018-10-21 浏览次数:


刘颖,女,教授,博导,第七批陕西省人才计划入选者。中国科学院长春应用化学研究所博士毕业,从2007年至2012年先后以德国洪堡学者和博士后的身份在德国格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学、西班牙阿里坎特大学、美国明尼苏达大学和美国太平洋西北国家实验室工作,主要从事酶及微生物在固体电极表面的产电及电子转移机理的研究。目前已发表SCI文章近30篇(总引用次数1600余次),有3篇文章进入ESI相关学科前1%(2篇为第一作者),1篇进入前10%(第一作者);其中第一作者20篇(含6篇通讯作者,他引总次数1000余次),是国际期刊Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research的编委成员并承担10余种国际一流学术期刊的审稿工作。




  1. 1.Yujing Jiang,, Rongbin Song, Lianbin Cao, Zhaoying Su, Yamei Ma, Ying Liu*, Harvesting Energy from Cellulose through Geobacter sulfurreducens in Unique Ternary Culture,  Analytica Chimica Acta , in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2018.10.059, IF="5.123

    2.Nazish Manzoor, LianbinCao, Dandan Deng, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yujing Jiang, Ying Liu*, Cellulase extraction from cellulolytic bacteria promoting bioelectricity production by degrading cellulose,  Journal of electroanalytical chemistry , 2018, 829, 241-248, SCI, IF="3.235

    3.Zhaohong Jiang, Yichi Zhang, Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yamei Ma, Jingquan Kang, Ying Liu*, Isolation and characterization of an exoelectrogenic strain CL-1 from soil and electron transfer mechanism by linking electrochemistry and spectroscopy, Electrochimica Acta , 2018, 292, 982-989, SCI, IF="5.166

    4.Zhaohong Jiang, Di Zhang, Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng, Min Duan, Ying Liu*, Enhanced catalytic capability of electroactive biofilm modified with different kinds of carbon nanotubes,  Analytica Chimica Acta , In press 2018, 1035, 51-59 (SCI, IF="5.123)

    5.Zhuangzhuang Liu, Yamei Ma, Bo Tian, Chenxi Li, Yujing Jiang, Nazish Manzoor,Ying Liu*,Selection and community analysis of halophilic mixed exoelectrogens from salt lake soils, Analyst , 2018,143,4103-4109 (SCI, IF="3.864)"

    6.Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng,Yichi Zhang, Wen Zhou, Yujing Jiang, Ying Liu *,   Biosensors and Bioelectronics,   2017, 90, 264-268   (SCI, IF="7.8)

    7.Yue Tang, Dandan Deng, Lei Zhou, Yujing Jiang, Yamei Ma, Guangwen Tian, Ying Liu * ,Analysis of electricity generation and community of electroactive biofilms enriched from various wastewater treatment stages, J  ournal of electroanalytical chemistry , 2017,803,72-80(SCI,IF=3.235)

    8.Zhuangzhuang Liu, Lei Zhou, Qi Chen, Wen Zhou and Ying Liu*,Advances in Graphene/Graphene Composite Based Microbial Fuel/Electrolysis Cells,  Electroanalysis 2016,28,1-11(SCI,IF=2.5)

    9.Dandan Deng, Yichi Zhang and Ying Liu*,A Geobacter strain isolated from rice paddy soil with higher bioelectricity generation capability in comparison to Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA, RSC Advances,  2015, 5, 43978-43898 (SCI,IF="3.3)

    10.Lei Zhou, Dandan Deng, Di Zhang, Qi Chen, Jingquan Kang, Ningjuan Fan and Ying Liu*, Electricity Generation and Isolation of Exoelectrogenic Bacteria Based on Petroleum Hydrocarbon-contaminated Soil, Electroanalysis  ,  2016  ,  28  ,  1510-1516 (SCI,IF="2.5)

    11.Ying Liu*, Antonio Berná, Victor Climent, Juan Miguel Feliu, “Real-time monitoring of electrochemically active biofilm developing behavior on bioanode by using EQCM and ATR/FTIR”,  Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical , 2015, 209, 781-789 (SCI,IF="4.8)

    12.Ying Liu*, Dandan Deng, Xiaoji Lan, A Highly Efficient Mixed-culture Biofilm as Anodic  Catalyst and Insights into Its Enhancement through Electrochemistry by Comparison with  G. sulfurreducens ,  Electrochimica Acta , 2015, 155, 327-334 (SCI,IF="4.8)

    13.Yichi Zhang, Zhaohong Jiang, Ying Liu*, Application of Electrochemically Active Bacteria as Anodic Biocatalyst in Microbial Fuel Cells, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43, 155-162(SCI)

    14.Ying Liu, Daniel R. Bond, “Long-distance electron transfer by G. sulfurreducens biofilms results in accumulation of reduced c-type cytochromes”, ChemSusChem, 2012, 5(6):1047-1053 (IF=""7.117)

    15.Ying Liu, Hosaeng Kim, Rhonda R. Franklin, Daniel R. Bond, “Linking Spectral and Electrochemical Analysis to Monitor c-type Cytochrome Redox Status in Living Geobacter sulfurreducens Biofilms”, ChemPhysChem, 2011,12(12): 2235 - 2241 (IF=""3.36)

    16.Ying Liu, Hosaeng Kim, Rhonda R. Franklin, Daniel R. Bond, “Gold line array electrodes increase substrate affinity and current density of electricity-producing G. sulfurreducens biofilms”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2010,3:1782-1788 (IF="25)

    17.Ying Liu*, Falk Harnisch, Katja Fricke, Uwe Schroeder, Victor Climent, Juan Miguel Feliu, “The study of electrochemically active microbial biofilms on different carbon-based anode materials in microbial fuel cells”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010,25:2167-2171 (IF="7.476)

    18.Ying Liu*, Victor Climent, Antonio Berná, Juan Miguel Feliu, “Effect of Temperature on the Catalytic Ability of Electrochemically Active Biofilm as Anode Catalyst in Microbial Fuel Cells”, Electroanalysis, 2011,23(2): 387-394 (IF= 2.50)

    19.Ying Liu, Falk Harnisch, Katja Fricke, Uwe Schroeder, Fritz Scholz, “Improvement of the Anodic Bioelectrocatalytic Activity of Mixed Culture Biofilms by a Simple Consecutive Electrochemical Selection Procedure”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2008,24:1012-1017 (IF="7.4761)

    20.Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Zhiai Xu and Shaojun Dong, “The Direct Electron Transfer of Glucose Oxidase and Glucose Biosensor Based on Carbon Nanotubes/chitosan Matrix”,Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2005,21:984-988 (IF="7.476)

    21.Ying Liu, Xiaohu Qu, Hongwei Guo, Hongjun Chen, Baifeng Liu, Shaojun Dong, “Facile Preparation of Amperometric Laccase Biosensor with Multifunction  Based on the Matrix of Carbon Nanotubes-Chitosan Composite”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2006, 21:2195-2201 (IF="7.476)

    22.Ying Liu, Ling Liu, Shaojun Dong “Electrochemical Characteristics of Glucose Oxidase Adsorbed at Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode with Ionic Liquid as Binder”, Electroanalysis, 2007, 19(1): 55-59 (IF= 2.5)

    23.Ying Liu, Lijian Huang, Shaojun Dong, “Electrochemical Catalysis and Thermal Stability Characterization of Laccase–Carbon Nanotubes-Ionic Liquid Nanocomposite Modified Graphite Electrode”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007,23(8):35-41 (IF="7.476)

    24.Electrochemical Characteristics of Facile Prepared Carbon Nanotubes-Ionic Liquid Gel Modified Microelectrode and Application in Bioelectrochemistry”, Electrochemistry Communications, 2006,8:1429-1434 (IF= 4.287)

    25.Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Zhihui Guo, Hongjun Chen and Shaojun Dong, “Direct Electron Transfer and Electrocatalysis of Microperoxidase Immobilized on Nanohybrid Film”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2005, 581:1–10 (IF= 2.9)

    26.Ying Liu, Shaojun Dong, A biofuel Cell Harvesting Energy from Glucose-air and Fruit Juice-air”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2007,23:593-597 (IF="7.476)

    27.Ying Liu, Shaojun Dong, A Biofuel Cell with Enhanced Power Output by Grape Juice”, Electrochemistry Communications, 2007,9:1423-1427 (IF= 4.287)

    28.Ying Liu, Mingkui Wang, Feng Zhao, Baifeng Liu and Shaojun Dong,“A Low-Cost Biofuel Cell with pH-Dependent Power Output Based on Porous Carbon as Matrix”,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2005,11:4970-4974 (IF= 5.696)

    29.Ying Liu, Shaojun Dong, “Electrochemical Characteristics of Mediated Laccase-Catalysis and Electrochemical Detection of Environmental Pollutants”, Electroanalysis, 2008, 20(8): 827-832 (IF= 2.5)

    30.Feng Zhao, Xuee Wu, Mingkui Wang, Ying Liu, Lianxun Gao, Shaojun Dong, “Electrochemical and Bioelectrochemistry Properties of Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Carbon Composite Materials”, Analytical Chemistry, 2004, 76(17):4960-4967 (IF= 5.825)



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